Narveer Singh

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What Is Google Tag Manager(GTM) and Why Should We Use It

What is Google Tag Manager?

Google Tag Manager is a free tool from Google that allows you to deploy marketing tags (a snippet of tracking code) easily on your website or app without having to touch the code of the website.

As a marketer, we are not ok with coding and Google Tag Manager (GTM) helps us their.

Common example of marketing tags (tracking Code)  are Google Analytics, Facebook Pixel, Google Ads Conversion Tracking etc…

Just imagine Google Tag Manager (GTM) a tools box where we can kept all of our other marketing tools and use them in our own way without playing with with code.


How GTM Works?

Information from one data source (Your Website) is shared with another data source (Google Analytics,  Facebook Pixel etc..) through Google Tag Manager (GTM)


It seems Google Tag Manager (GTM) is very easy to setup.

But it’s not like that. We can use Google Tag Manager to do much complex stuff which take a lot of time to implement and it becomes little hard.

But not so much hard as implementing those task directly without the help of GTM.

Why Should We Use GTM?

1 . Deployment Of Marketing Tag Becomes Very Easy And Fast

Google Tag Manager saves us a lot of time when we need to implement any marketing tag or script as a marketer.

Without GTM, it’s very tedious like….

You got a marketing source and you want to track user behavior…

You got the code and send that code to the developer…The developer says he is busy and he will do that stuff next week.

What will happen if we need to create different event…more and more time waste and back and forth process.

Google Tag Manager speeds up this process and a lot of tags don’t require to change codes on the website.

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2. Security Of Our Website

We always care about our website security and website malfunctioning. We have fear that if you placed any marketing tag, tracking code wrong, our website starts mis-behaving.

And It’s really true…

Our little mistake can harm our website.

Here, GTM Plays a very big role. Due to inbuilt template library, it reduced the common mistakes made by starter…

and also re-publishing the older version is so much easy and fast that if we made a mistake, we can re-publish previous version at a time…

without changing or touching the codes.

3. All Tag Managed In One Place

Without GTM, it’s really very hard to manage different code…

In old days, all the codes were scattered across different files and making it very hard to manage them.

With the help of GTM, we can manage 100s of code at one place…

can modify them, can remove them and almost can do anything from one place,

That’s why GTM is becoming so much popular every single day.

4. Debugging Before We Actually Publish

This option is really awesome…

With the help of “Preview” option we can check if our “Placed Tag” is working on not.

This is really value-able to see all the changes in real-time, without risking the public seeing those changes and

also without taking the risk of rigid development.

We can see which tag is firing at what event and which one is not firing.

5. Exporting and Importing The Templates

Another awesome reason why should we use GTM is it’s ability to allow us to export Tags, Trigger and variable in one file…

which we can import in other container.

This feature is really profitable for agencies who needs to setup standard event in Google Analytics, Facebook, Google ads…

for various clients.


6. It's Free

I think, their is no need to say about this.

Like Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager is also a free tool.

It has a premium version also but free version is more than enough for most of the businesses.

If you need any further help in setting up GTM, connect with Narveer Singh now!
