Narveer Singh

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How To Install Theme In A WordPress Website

You properly install WordPress on your website…If Not, You can check it here.

Now, it’s time to install Theme in you WordPress website.

Installing Theme will make easy for us to change the website layout very beautiful.

Let’s Start The Step-By-Step Process Of Installing WordPress Theme – 

1. Login Into Your WordPress Dashboard and Go To Themes (Appearance>Themes)

2. Click On Themes and Now, Click On “Add New”

3. Now, You Can Install Any Theme Showing Here or Can Use The Search Button (Just Hover Your Mouse On That Theme)

Don’t Forget To Click On “Activate” after Installing the theme. Now, you are good to go.

4. If You Want To Install Out Source Them Downloaded From Other Places – Use The “Upload Theme> Choose File> Install Now>Activate”

Congratulation, You have successfully Installed your WordPress theme. If you faced any issue…Simply use the comment section and I will help you in installing the theme properly.
